New samples

We are going to add more samples to our website.


Does anyone have any suggestions? What would you like to see?


If there's a particular type of game that you like to see featured, let us know.

All 4 Comments

Anything that explains how to use vector graphics would be great in my opinion.


Vector graphics would be nice indeed.

Also, any chance of a game using overlays on top of googlemaps?

Eg. Transport tycoon in the real world.


And vector graphics it is :)


I've just added a flow sample to the samples page. It's entirely made with vector graphics and, as such, it shows how to use some of the more advanced capabilities of WADE's drawing system.


It uses the newest version of WADE, that includes a couple of important bug fixes.


I like the idea of adding a sample that uses the google maps API. Transport Tycoon sounds a bit too complex, but I'll see if I can think of something simper to use as an example. In the meantime, please keep suggesting.


That was quick, thanks! Looks interesting... I'll check it out soon.

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