
I've been watching the video tutorials. Very nice and I like how you've added a link to the image assets in the video description.

I didn't see a link to the javascript files from the videos so I thought I'd share them as I type them this week.

Which brings me to my question: What would be a good way to share code from WADE projects? Would a git repository be a good idea?

Like I said, I'd be happy to contribute. I'd put myself in the accomplished novice category so I don't know whether my script would be a paradigm to follow but I've managed to do some simple OOP and I'd be happy to share code as I dive into WADE.

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That's great, I can only encourage you to share your WADE projects, code samples. templates and so on.

We are working hard on a new website for WADE, which hopefully will make this much, much easier. It should launch in the next couple of weeks if things go according to plan.
In the meantime, I suppose a thread on this forum would be a good idea. I will then move it into the approptiate section as soon as it's ready

That would be great. I think you've got a great resource here.


I was under the impression that the new website would go live with wade 1.0... so maybe we can expect wade 1.0 in a couple of weeks time? 


I've put most of the code for awesome.js here.

This is the script used in WADE's video tutorial #1.


Because this is a public git repository, any of you other visitors can clone, version (to complete the script example....hint..hint..) or pretty much what you do with git.


Thanks, that's brilliant :) We will add a link to it in the video description on youtube.

Hernes, that's a bit optimistic, but WADE 1.0 won't be much longer after that. We are releasing 0.9.2 first (in a few days).


hold off on the video link if you want for a day or so and I'll update the gist to contain the entire script from the first video (the script is missing the last steps to add scoring text as shown in the video).

Happy thanksgiving everyone.


This is very good, I can not do the video tutorials because I am too lazy to type while I watch video

@Gio: Do the new version of Wade support the rotateTo() function like I asked in other post? That is very useful for me. I ask because if it don't support it, I do it on my own, no problem.

Yes Taddeus, 0.9.2 will include the rotateTo function that you requested, plus most of the other things that users of this forum said they would need.

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